History of the University and Key Concepts
The university: a perfect blend of tradition and innovation.
The 21st century university student: what remains of the old ideal?
Religion’s role in the origin of the university.
Specialization in the university: a help or a hindrance to interdisciplinary work?
Faith and Reason: the university’s response.
The university and manual work.
The capacity of the sciences to acquire a true knowledge of man’s nature: physical and spiritual.
Relativism in the university.
True freedom in the intellectual environment.
Progressive ideas: progress at all costs?
The exaltation of the reason: what is its true scope of knowledge?
Scientific theories on the origin and evolution of the world.
Secularity in the university.
Disillusion and apathy in the university.
The influence of the great ideologies of the contemporary age on the university.
The concept of liberal education: has it worked?
The University and Society
The university as a guide and compass of society.
University education catering to the needs of the labour market.
The promotion of culture in the university.
The university at the service of society: the obligation to promote the dignity of the human person and respect for life.
The university: autonomous, and at the same time, involved in the society.
The university and democracy.
The experts’ role in society.
The university as the defender of the truth in a world dominated by public opinion.
The human sciences’ contribution to societal progress.
The university and the transmission of culture.
University life, Culture and Formation
The university student and love for the truth: concrete manifestations.
The university and fashion.
The university as an open forum for meaningful dialogue.
The religious university student.
Resting with activities which stimulate the intellect.
Courtesy and human tone within the university environment.
The university student’s aesthetic sense.
The “passing through” phenomenon in the university:
The university: the place for cultural and religious dialogue.
The truly liberal university student.